
International missions at Trinity Baptist Church has a multi-faceted approach to impacting people across the world. As a church, we believe that the Great Commission is more than a is a command for every believer.

We obey through three primary facets: 1. Giving 2. Praying 3.Going


Currently the members of our church are involved in taking this short term mission trip to Guatemala with Carpenters for Christ. Opportunities abound! 

Guatemala collections taken during the month of March, includes supply items such as - Kids Chewable Vitamins (not gummy type) and travel size toothpaste.

Operation Christmas Child

Feburary collecting - sunglasses, wrist watches, hair ties, jewelry items such as rings, necklaces, braclets.  Drawstring back packs, fashion scarfs, barrettes, baseball caps, princess crowns are a big hit and dress up items.

March collecting - coloring books, crayons, colored pencils, colored pens, chalk, glider kits (non military), beading kits (age appropriate), small sealed sewing kit (10-14 age), watercolor paint set (solid paint), stencils, mini spirograph, sketch books, sticker book, snap together model, quality handmade craft items - toys, pencils cases, hand puppets, carry bags.

Note:  Cannot accept handmade items which contain stuffing.